What equipment should I equip myself with before a paintball party?

Adventure hobbies/Paintball
Chandler Lee
What equipment should I equip myself with before a paintball party?
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Paintball is a popular team building game that is a great way to spend time with friends. Those who do not want to use rented equipment can get their own set of accessories. What no paintball lover can do without?

Markers – an indispensable element of paintball equipment

If you want to play paintball, you need to buy a marker, which is a small pneumatic device used for shooting paintballs. The principle of its operation is based on the forces of compressed air and gases which are contained in air cylinders. Markers available on store shelves can be divided into mechanical and electrical.

The main advantage of the first of them is the reliability of work and low cost of possible repairs. We can also deal with markers – pumps. They are dedicated to people, for whom quick and precise shots are a priority. A characteristic feature of this type of markers is the necessity to reload them on your own, which can be somewhat time-consuming.

The second category of products are pneumatic markers. Since these are fully automatic, the user here does not have to worry about reloading them. How do these types of markers work? The gas used in them pushes the balls due to the pressure. Additionally, the user can decide whether the marker should shoot one bullet, a series of them or in a continuous mode. The last proposal are electromechanical devices consisting of an electronic mechanism, which allows you to set the rate of gas flow into the cylinder and the release of the balls.

An essential piece of equipment for a paintball player is a paintball marker. There are 3 types of markers:

so called pumps -.

Published by Midway Paintball Turek Friday, March 13, 2015

What else should every paintball enthusiast have?

The essential equipment is, of course, the magazine in which you place the balls. If it’s about the latter, it’s worth to get a bit more of them, for example 2000. The balls should be matched to the weapon and the type of barrel. It is not worth saving on the balls – the cheapest models are sometimes very hard or there is only a small amount of paint inside them. As for the magazine (also called a flush), standard models work using the force of gravity. The slightly more professional ones are equipped with built-in motors.

Another key piece of equipment for every paintball fan is a cylinder filled with carbon dioxide or compressed air. Nowadays we deal with the former much more often. Carbon dioxide cylinders are inconvenient to use, especially in the winter season when you may have to deal with freezing of the marker.

How to dress for paintball?

To make the game of paintball both comfortable and safe, you need to equip yourself with an appropriate outfit. A good solution will be clothes made of cotton. It is a breathable material, nice to the touch and comfortable to wear. As for the color scheme, opt for green, brown or black, which will provide effective camouflage. No less practical are clothes with a camo motif.

What should be included in the paintball outfit? Ideally, it should consist of a sweatshirt, a T-shirt and pants. The more pockets they have, the better. They will allow you to hide all the necessary accessories during the game. And what about paintball boots? It is best if they are made of leather. Sports models with a higher upper will also work well. The ideal paintball shoe is one that is comfortable and effectively protects you from getting wet and abrasions. In addition, it is also worth getting gloves and a neck scarf.

How to effectively protect your head and face while playing paintball? For this purpose you should buy a special mask. It is best that it is equipped with a double glass, covers the entire face and ears, and is neither too loose nor too tight.

Photo highlight: Pixabay

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