EMS – what does personal training provide?

Chandler Lee
EMS – what does personal training provide?
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EMS personal training is becoming increasingly popular. But what exactly is it and why should you use it? Check what it gives.

What is EMS?

In other words, it is a muscle electrostimulation. It consists in causing tissue contractions with the use of electric impulses. These impulses “massage” the muscles, stimulating the body to greater effort. The whole process takes place through a system of special electrodes that are placed on a suit worn by the person exercising. Importantly, the entire suit is relatively lightweight and does not restrict movement during training.

Who is EMS for?

Muscle electrostimulation is for almost anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. EMS training can be used by people who are professionally or competitively involved in sports, as well as those who want to return to physical activity after an injury. EMS will be an excellent solution for anyone who wants to achieve fast results.

The first effects of such training can be visible even after a month. Interestingly, EMS is used by experienced athletes such as boxers, footballers and bodybuilders from all over the world. However, you should know that electrostimulation of muscles is not suitable for people with pacemakers, pregnant women, and those suffering from cancer.

What does EMS give?

The most important thing about EMS training is that it is performed with personal trainers. This allows you to be sure that the workout will be done safely and correctly.

– The electrostimulation of muscles is a very good solution for people after injuries, because during the exercises our muscles are stimulated to increased work. Training increases their strength and allows you to return to normal physical activity faster. It is also an ideal workout for anyone who does not have much time. EMS lasts half an hour, and only two workouts per week are enough to see results.

– EMS is highly effective when it comes to fighting cellulite. It eliminates the lack of firmness of the skin and makes it tighter.

– Electrostimulation also leads to burning a large number of calories, that is, up to 1200 kcal during a single workout. Combined with easy exercises, EMS is an intense workout for the whole body. What is important, during such training, the spine and joints are not stressed, and the impulses sent strengthen the deeply located muscle fibers.

Where to practice?

Many people want to have a personal trainer present during their workout. When it comes to EMS training, MEON EMS studio has the best offer. Istotne jest to, że wykwalifikowani trenerzy indywidualnie podchodzą do każdego ćwiczącego, a także to, że studia EMS można znaleźć w całej Polsce, czyli w miastach: Bielsko-Biała, Chrzanów, Gdańsk, Katowice (2 studios), Opole, Poznań, Szamotuły, Tychy, Wrocław.

Why exercise with a trainer?

Before starting EMS training, a personal trainer performs a body composition analysis and selects an appropriate type of exercises for each person. They are selected according to your condition and training goals that you want to achieve. After the interview and appropriate examinations, the person is put on special sportswear: a vest, arm and thigh bands, and electrodes.

Help of a personal trainer is necessary in this case, because thanks to the fact that exercises are adjusted to each person individually, optimal results can be achieved in a relatively short time. Professional care of a trainer also includes a planned diet and regular consultations. This is also important because a well-balanced menu is necessary to achieve the desired results.

Photo: press materials of the client.

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