Mental sports - Page 3

Xiangqi, or Chinese chess. What is this archaic game from Central Asia?
Xiangqi, or Chinese chess. What is this archaic game from Central Asia?

Chess is very popular not only on the Old Continent. Asian society willingly practices the game Xiangqi, based on slightly […]

Combinations, chews, creativity – why play checkers?
Combinations, chews, creativity – why play checkers?

Checkers is a timeless game for the whole family. They shape logical thinking and develop the intellect. Below are a […]

ABC of bridge – a short course for beginners
ABC of bridge – a short course for beginners

Cards can be played for pleasure or for a touch of competition. Bridge is one of the few team card […]

Checkmate! The fastest possible victory in a chess game
Checkmate! The fastest possible victory in a chess game

Chess is a discipline that requires a great deal of concentration and requires clever moves and a great deal of […]

ABC of a checkers player – mental sport in a nutshell
ABC of a checkers player – mental sport in a nutshell

It’s commonly accepted that checkers is a simplified version of chess. Indeed, you won’t see figures with a more complicated […]

A good start is the key to success! The most popular chess openings
A good start is the key to success! The most popular chess openings

Chess is one of the best activities for people who like to strain their brain cells a bit and focus […]

Science, art and sports all in one? Let’s Go!
Science, art and sports all in one? Let’s Go!

The famous American chess player Edward Lasker stated that “if chess is the queen of games, go is certainly their […]

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