What parameters to consider when choosing a pool table for home?

Bilard & snooker/Social games
Chandler Lee
What parameters to consider when choosing a pool table for home?
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If you are passionate about the game of billiards, you don’t have to keep making appointments for a game in a club. Invest in the right table and enjoy the game in your own home. Use our hints to find the perfect solution!

Think about what kind of pool table you’re looking for

Precisely defining your own needs is the first step you should take before ordering a pool table. Despite appearances, there are many solutions available on the market. If you want to choose a product tailored to your expectations, you must first know these expectations. If you decide to buy the first pool table (e.g. only because its price is attractive), you may quickly regret such a choice. Why? Because the table may turn out to be too big and won’t fit into the room it was supposed to be in.

The size of the room for the game is not the only aspect you need to pay attention to when choosing a pool table. The nature of the entertainment also matters. Are you interested in pool, snooker or maybe a little popular in our country punting? Depending on the type of game, you will need a different table.

In the available offer you can find tables from 5 ft to 9 ft. If you decide on the smallest table, you have to remember that it will fit in a room of minimum 12 m². If the room is smaller, then even when the pool table fits into it, you may find that the game cannot be played in comfort.

A table with different uses

If you are interested in multi-purpose products, check out the pool tables that you can easily convert into a dining or conference table. These are double-sided, swivel tables. It only takes a moment to switch from a tasty dinner with friends to a game of pool.

The material from which the pool table is made

One of the most important issues when choosing a pool table for home use will be the material from which it is made. This can be either a wooden slab or a stone slab. In case you are on a tight budget and can’t go too crazy with the amount of spending, go for the wood slab. It is a much cheaper option and also lighter in weight. It will therefore be easier to transport such a pool table.

An alternative is a homemade pool table with a stone slab. The advantage of such a solution is greater strength and stability of the table. This is a suggestion for people looking for a solid product that will serve them to play for at least the next few years.

In addition to the material from which the table’s plate is made, you should also take into account the type of cloth. It is this element that largely determines the comfort of the game. If the cloth is of poor quality, it can quickly deteriorate and then it will be necessary to replace it, which is always associated with additional costs.

Billiard table – an investment for years

A professional pool table (also for home use) is an expense of at least several thousand zlotys. Yes, there are also much cheaper solutions available in online stores, but they will not satisfy the needs of demanding players.

When you decide to buy a pool table, you invest in equipment which will serve you for several years. It’s worth spending a little more once to purchase a higher quality product, which will be more resistant to mechanical damage.

A better quality of the materials that have been used in the production process means that the pool table will be more durable. This aspect is especially important for tables that are to be used for regular play. If you are a true enthusiast of playing billiards, then you will surely bet on quality solutions and price will be of secondary importance to you.

Billiard accessories

The comfort of the game depends not only on the pool table. It is also important what accessories you decide on. Both the cues and the balls should be of excellent quality. Also, don’t forget the triangle for stacking the balls at the beginning of the game, as well as the chalk!

Featured Image: pxhere.com

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