A bunker is an element of a golf course filled entirely with sand. It can be located both along the fairway and in the immediate vicinity of the green. After water, it is the second most avoided place by players. How can you improve your game from a bunker? Here are some helpful tips!
Bunker is an obstacle on the golf course, which consists of a pre-prepared area, often a depression, from which soil or turf has been removed and replaced with sand or a material similar to it. It also includes a wall or edge that is not covered with grass. The boundary of the bunker extends vertically downward.
Before hitting the ball that is in the bunker, the player may not test the condition of the bunker, touch the earth that fills it with his hand or club, or touch or move from place to place any natural moving impediment that is in the bunker or in contact with it.
Pro tip: It’s not just in the evenings that you should practice playing from a bunker.??⛳️
Published by Golf Parks Poland Tuesday, April 16, 2019
How to improve your game from the bunker? First of all, you should take care of your posture. It should be identical to that of a classic pitchaa. Then you should not squat or focus on opening the stance or the club head towards the target. This opening would apply if you want to play a soft lob with spin. Those who prefer a higher, softer game should look around for a lob-wedge with a medium bounce. The key point to note when setting up is that the ball should be about 5-8 inches closer to you than it is with a traditional lob. Additionally, it should lie slightly more in front, further away from the position in which you usually hit the ball. Now all that remains is to make the appropriate divot.
The key aspect is the aim of the swing, which should not differ from the one that would be used for the swing. It should be about ½-¾ of the normal swing. Just take a normal swing, with an identical length of swing in front and back. As with all short strokes, distance is much more important here than direction. By regularly practicing the distance you hit, the direction will improve on its own over time. The distance of the stroke on the sand is influenced by, among other things, the speed of the club head. The swing speed should be equal to the distance you want to hit.
Equally important is the loft of the club head. Bunker practice with all wedges is recommended. A pitching wedge can be used for longer strokes, a gap wedge for medium strokes, a sand wedge for shorter strokes, and a lob wedge for very short strokes or from deep bunkers. Another important consideration is the amount of sand between the club head and the ball in impact. Everything here depends on the depth and position of the divot. The former depends on the swing plane, which in turn is related to body posture. When the divots are too deep, it is a sign that the swing is too vertical and you should reduce leaning over the ball. On the other hand, when they are too shallow or absent, it means that the swing is too flat and you should take care to lean forward a little more. As for the position of the divot, which is the place where the player hits the sand, it is worth remembering the rule according to which the faster the hands move, the faster you can hit the sand, and the faster you turn your body, the later the divot will appear.
Since a correctly executed divot plays a key role for a good bunker hit, it’s a good idea to do the following exercise regularly. We draw a line where we want to hit the sand and run it between our feet. We then draw some divots along them and practice them in those exact spots. After each stroke, it is worth reflecting on whether the divot was too deep or too flat, or whether it was made too late or too early.
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