Chandler Lee - Page 24

Checkmate! The fastest possible victory in a chess game
Checkmate! The fastest possible victory in a chess game

Chess is a discipline that requires a great deal of concentration and requires clever moves and a great deal of […]

Decoupage a test of patience and precision
Decoupage a test of patience and precision

There are few things that make us happy as much as receiving or giving someone a beautifully decorated object, especially […]

Swamp football: the quintessential dirty game
Swamp football: the quintessential dirty game

Finnish cross-country skiers are considered to be the initiators of this specific type of soccer, as they decided to diversify […]

Model making – a hobby for the patient
Model making – a hobby for the patient

Modeling is a passion that teaches patience and striving to achieve the goal. Model gluing is a way to fight […]

Set sail on wide waters. How to start your adventure with sailing?
Set sail on wide waters. How to start your adventure with sailing?

Many certainly dream of leaving all their problems on land and sailing into the boundless waters. However, dreams alone are […]

Bowling primer, or what you need to know before the first game
Bowling primer, or what you need to know before the first game

Bowling is usually one of our first associations with the word “social games”. It’s not unfounded, after all, up to […]

ABC of a checkers player – mental sport in a nutshell
ABC of a checkers player – mental sport in a nutshell

It’s commonly accepted that checkers is a simplified version of chess. Indeed, you won’t see figures with a more complicated […]

Fistball still waiting for an Olympic opportunity
Fistball still waiting for an Olympic opportunity

Although the origin of this game dates back to ancient Rome, fistball has not yet had the honour of being […]

A good start is the key to success! The most popular chess openings
A good start is the key to success! The most popular chess openings

Chess is one of the best activities for people who like to strain their brain cells a bit and focus […]

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Instant chess – how to cope with the pressure of (in)time?
How to play instant chess effectively? Here are some valuable tips!