What is airsoft? – beginnings and safety

Chandler Lee
What is airsoft? – beginnings and safety
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In an attempt to diversify their lives, people decide to do a wide variety of activities. Searching for an extraordinary and unusual passion is a great escape from the routine and a way to fully relax. People who have similar interests join groups and carry out their plans together, having great fun at the same time.

This is exactly the case with airsoft. The game is based on team activities and defeating your opponents is nothing more than an imitation of war on a specially designed for this battlefield. The whole game is, of course, in accordance with all safety rules, and how to take care of them we will write below

What is asg?

ASG stands for “Air Soft Gun”. At the very beginning we deny all rumours that this game is the same as paintball. Yes, it is also a form of shooting, but the type of weapon and the rules are completely different from each other. The game we are discussing uses mainly plastic balls. The whole game is about teaming up and trying to capture the opponent’s base. There are, of course, many forms of games, because you can also impersonate characters who took part in important historical events and play these roles, or play a shooter each against each other.

The most common solution, however, is to play as a team and strive to be the best together. Players who are in teams form groups so that they can arrange to play against potential opponents. Ideally, the area should be thoroughly checked for safety before the game takes place there

How to obtain weapons to begin with?

Weapons are a key element of the entire game and without them we should not enter the battlefield at all. Airsoft uses replicas of real weapons, adapted to shoot plastic pellets and powered by electricity, gas or springs. The most popular place to buy a replica is an ASG replica store

However, before the first few games it is worth to go to the rental of this type of equipment and test what type of weapon will be best for us. We must remember, that at the very beginning of our adventure we should not spend a lot of money on what we shoot, and it’s better to equip ourselves with an assortment which will protect us from the bullets aiming in our direction

Safety is the most important thing

In terms of safety, you have to start with the player’s equipment. The basic elements that we must have, first of all, are safety glasses. We should invest most in them, because it is mainly about our eyesight. Then it is worth having your uniform in the color of the team, helmet, gloves and high ankle boots

As for the safety during the game, it is recommended to check the area for protruding rods, holes or other dangerous elements. It is important to remember that when we are close to the enemy, we do not shoot, but shout “pif paf”. Before anyone asks why this is so, let him first taste the feeling of a plastic ball shot from a distance of several meters.

Photos: material from the client

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