Tag - aquarium

How to keep an aquarium clean?
How to keep an aquarium clean?

Owning an aquarium is quite a responsibility. It is important to take care of proper water and tank cleanliness. We suggest how to do it.

A planted aquarium – a challenge worthy of an ambitious aquarium hobbyist
A planted aquarium – a challenge worthy of an ambitious aquarium hobbyist

In the past, an aquarist was someone who had an aquarium with fish. But today it looks completely different. The […]

A goldfish is a child’s dream come true. How to breed it?
A goldfish is a child’s dream come true. How to breed it?

Goldfish – the very term works on imagination. It sounds like a dream come true, especially when you are a […]

Easy-to-grow aquarium plants
Easy-to-grow aquarium plants

An optimal aquarium is clear, clean water without algae, active and multi-colored fish, and beautiful plants. But shouldn’t plants come […]

The most common mistakes when setting up an aquarium – how to avoid them?
The most common mistakes when setting up an aquarium – how to avoid them?

An aquarium with rich, multi-colored plants as a delightful background for its interesting and colorful inhabitants can be very attractive. […]

Where to start your aquarium adventure?
Where to start your aquarium adventure?

An aquarium adventure should start with gaining a lot of knowledge. Beginning hobbyists are advised to use a freshwater setup. […]

Clear water in aquariums – proven methods
Clear water in aquariums – proven methods

Surely every aquarium hobbyist wants his/her aquarium to look impressive and provide many pleasurable experiences connected with uninterrupted possibility of […]

Schooling fish in an aquarium
Schooling fish in an aquarium

Surely, you will remember for a long time a phenomenal view of a large number of fish shining with reflected […]

Great Booby – what aquarium will be best for it?
Great Booby – what aquarium will be best for it?

Boletus is a freshwater fish popular among the youngest ones. It is not surprising as it is one of the […]

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