Ground fishing for beginners: How to fish for groundfish?

Fishing/Recreational activities
Chandler Lee
Ground fishing for beginners: How to fish for groundfish?
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Are you interested in fishing? Try ground fishing! This is a method that will appeal to both beginners and experienced anglers.

Ground fishing – a popular method for catching fish

Fish can be caught in a variety of ways. There are static and dynamic fishing methods (such as spinning). The technique of ground fishing is as static as possible. It requires practically no commitment from the angler. In this case muscle strength and physical fitness will be unnecessary. However, a solid dose of patience will come in handy. From the moment of casting the first lure to catching the fish, even a few hours may pass.

What equipment do I need for ground fishing?

The good news is that you’ll only need completely basic fishing equipment. What’s more, you’ll be able to use it all season long and in a variety of different types of fisheries. If you like ground fishing, you can use it on rivers as well as lakes. Remember, however, to fish legally.

Only a person with a fishing license is allowed to fish in public fishing grounds. If you want to get such a document, contact the nearest branch of the Polish Angling Association. There you will learn on what principles the exam is conducted and what you must know to take it.

Once you have passed the exam, you will be able to legally use the fishing grounds that are open to the public. They are located all over the country. Whether you live in the north or south of Poland, you can choose from many attractive places to fish.

Already licensed and know where you want to fish in the future? Great! It’s time to think about choosing the right equipment. You need a rod, reel, line, hook and lure. You can find this basic assortment at any tackle store without any problem.

How is ground fishing done?

We can say with a clear conscience that there is nothing complicated about this method of fishing. All you need is the right equipment and some skills. The specificity of this technique is that the lure is placed on the bottom, and the rod is placed on a special support. You don’t have to hold the rod in your hand while waiting for the catch. Instead, you can relax and admire the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Fishing ABC

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Allotment season has started…

Published by arturkocikowski_fishing Saturday, March 21, 2020

When is the best chance for a successful ground fishing?

Whether your fishing trip will be successful depends on many factors. As you already know, the right equipment is the basis. If you plan to fish on the ground, and you bring equipment designed, for example, for spinning, you are unlikely to expect success.

But the equipment itself is not everything. Successful fishing also depends a lot on your experience. Yes, you have to get the basic information already when preparing for the fishing license exam, but practice makes perfect. If you choose the wrong fishery or the wrong lure a few times, you will eventually learn from your mistakes how to fish effectively on the ground. You can also always benefit from the knowledge of experienced anglers, although it may happen that just as a mushroom picker does not tell you where the mushrooms grow, even a friendly angler may not tell you where the best place to fish is.

Featured photo: Freepik

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