Tag - marine aquariums

How to choose fish for dream nano reef aquarium? Here we suggest!
How to choose fish for dream nano reef aquarium? Here we suggest!

The old rule still applies that the larger the aquarium, the better its resistance and biological stability. However, practice shows […]

Clams and sea urchins – underestimated heroes of the background in the marine aquarium
Clams and sea urchins – underestimated heroes of the background in the marine aquarium

Marine aquariums are not only fish and corals. Among the inhabitants of coral reefs there are also other interesting, very […]

SPSs, LPSs and more, or what you need to know about corals
SPSs, LPSs and more, or what you need to know about corals

Corals are marine animals classified as parasitoids. They live at shallow depths and are attached to the sea floor, forming […]

A dream marine aquarium – which path to take?
A dream marine aquarium – which path to take?

If the beauty of a coral reef and its inhabitants enchanted us so much that we wanted this piece of […]

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