ABCs of Survival: The most effective ways to start a fire

Adventure hobbies/Survival
Chandler Lee
ABCs of Survival: The most effective ways to start a fire
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If you enjoy survival trips, you should know a few reliable ways to light a campfire. Check what to take with you and how to start a fire without matches or a lighter!

No fire starter to revive the fire

A fire starter is very important in order to revive the fire. In our climate one of the best fire starters is birch bark. It is characterised by the fact that it catches sparks well and comes off in whole sheets from trees. Its great advantage is that even in the cold winter you can light it very quickly. Another material which works perfectly for a fire starter in our climate is spruce resin, which, although it does not catch the spark itself, it will support the previously prepared kindling made of birch bark. Resin melts under the influence of heat and lights the flame with its characteristic golden color. It is collected from injured coniferous trees. A fire starter constructed in this way will provide us with a fire on which it is enough to add pieces of sticks. Do not throw in leaves or needles, because the flame will be smothered.

A second type of great fire starter mix is a charred piece of cloth. It is important that it is cotton! After lighting the first campfire it is worth preparing for the next one. Therefore, we put a piece of cotton material in the canteen, it can be for example a T-shirt and we keep it on fire for about 20 minutes. After this time you will get charred cotton, which catches sparks very well from a flint or a fire bow, with the help of which you light a fire. We describe this method below.

One of the tasks during our field game will be to light a fire with the use of flint ?
Then I will briefly describe what,…

Published by Survival Team Leszno Association Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Making fire – a magnifying glass

One of the ways to start a fire is with a magnifying glass. The most common way to start a fire is with a magnifying glass. This is what we can see in the summer, when forests catch fire. This is mainly due to bottles lying in the mulch, which scatter the sun’s rays and heat it up, thus creating fire. Back to the magnifying glass – the method of starting a fire with it is extremely simple. In addition to the lens, you need the sun’s rays and a flammable material, which can be leaves. The lens can be found, for example, in a magnifying glass or glasses.

Lighting a fire with a fire bow

This method requires an auger and a bow. The instrument that can be used to unscrew the auger is best made from a flexible twig. A thick thong or thread will also be necessary. Next, prepare another stick that will be used to start the fire. It should be sharpened on one side and rounded on the other. You will need two more even boards, in which you need to make a groove for the tip of the stick. In the next step, a bit of splinters and kindling is put into the hole where the sharpened tip is placed. One end of the stick lands in the board filled with kindling, and the other end lands in the board with the round groove to hold the auger. It’s important that the bow thread wraps around the kindling stick a few times so you can spin it faster. After a few seconds or so, smoke should appear from the intense twirling.

Light a fire with a soda can and… chocolate

An interesting solution is to light a bonfire using a tin and chocolate. Many people will probably wonder how this is possible. Well, the surface of the tin can be very easily stripped of paint. All you need is a bit of chocolate and a few rubs to make it transparent. Importantly, it will work in the same way as a magnifying glass. The sun’s rays will heat up the given part of the fire starter and thus the fire will start to appear. As you can see, even with the help of chocolate it is possible to light a campfire in the forest.

Featured Image: Pixabay

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