Tag - first aquarium tips

Step by step shrimp tank – how to set up a shrimp tank?
Step by step shrimp tank – how to set up a shrimp tank?

The aquarium hobby offers a wide range of possibilities, so anyone who would like to try their hand at it […]

A planted aquarium – a challenge worthy of an ambitious aquarium hobbyist
A planted aquarium – a challenge worthy of an ambitious aquarium hobbyist

In the past, an aquarist was someone who had an aquarium with fish. But today it looks completely different. The […]

The most common mistakes when setting up an aquarium – how to avoid them?
The most common mistakes when setting up an aquarium – how to avoid them?

An aquarium with rich, multi-colored plants as a delightful background for its interesting and colorful inhabitants can be very attractive. […]

Where to start your aquarium adventure?
Where to start your aquarium adventure?

An aquarium adventure should start with gaining a lot of knowledge. Beginning hobbyists are advised to use a freshwater setup. […]
