Tag - algae eater what it eats

Accessories useful for cleaning the aquarium
Accessories useful for cleaning the aquarium

The goal of every aquarium hobbyist is to set the water parameters and choose such a stock and plants that […]

Otos, cuttlefish and armyworms – the aquarist’s allies in the fight against algae
Otos, cuttlefish and armyworms – the aquarist’s allies in the fight against algae

Algae are a real nuisance for every aquarium hobbyist. Even small disturbances in the ecosystem may cause algae to multiply […]

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SPSs, LPSs and more, or what you need to know about corals
SPSs, LPSs and more, or what you need to know about corals
Corals are marine animals classified as parasitoids. They live at shallow depths and are attached to the sea floor, forming […]